For 21 years, Edelman has been studying trust in institutions to do what is right. The Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Climate Change looks at how trusted institutions are to address the climate emergency—and the specific actions each institution is expected to take.

This new research, which surveyed 14,000 people in 14 countries, assesses trust in institutions to tackle the single biggest threat we face — the climate emergency. The research finds that no institution is fully trusted to address climate change, and confronting this shared global challenge will require unprecedented collaboration across all institutions.

Climate change is becoming even more of a concern to South Africans, as 76% said they worry about climate change, and 75% of those surveyed recognise the need for big lifestyle changes. In general, business is the most trusted institution in SA, however, when it comes to climate change they are distrusted (46%), only behind government. South African consumers are putting pressure on government to take action against climate change and also relying on NGOs to bring together decision makers to co-ordinate this action.

This new research,  which includes data for South Africa, explores the opportunities that exist for businesses and other institutions to address consumers climate change beliefs.

Have a look at the Trust Top 10 for key insights and contact us should you like to explore this further.