Following the launch of the 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer earlier this year, we saw that consumers expect a lot of the brands that they engage with. In the Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report, Trust: The New Brand Equity, we see that brands must work to change the world. This report uncovers the role brand trust plays in building cultural relevancy and strengthening a brand’s buying power and advocacy for change, as well as the role that brands must play, and solve for in consumers’ lives today.

Trust is as important as ever as 89% of South African consumers (compared to 68% globally) say it’s more important to be able to trust the brands that they buy or use today, compared to in the past. People are also more likely to buy from brands that take a stand on specific social issues such as healthcare, human rights, racism and climate change. 

This new research,  which includes data for South Africa, explores the opportunities that exist for brands to address the expectations of a consumer landscape that has changed over the past year. The data shows that brands are not only built on ability and competence, but also the emotional impact of trust to the consumer. Trusted brands are rewarded with advocacy, purchase and loyalty.

The report further explores the key elements of Trust as the new brand equity:

  • Navigate a new cultural playing field 
  • Be an engine of cultural change
  • Earn trust across both product & corporate brand
  • Trust drives growth

If you’d like to learn more about this special Trust report, please contact us.